Nail Treatments

Nail treatment, the maintenance of the fingernails and toenails, is important for a person's well-being just as restorative reasons. Great nail care can forestall contaminations. Moisturizing is a famous mystery to wholesome skin, however it’s regularly neglected in nail care. While dry, brittle nails may be the end result of many factors, they’re in the end a cry for moisture, so remember right moisture the muse of your nail care routine. When making use of hand lotion, deliver your nails a touch as well.

The Best Manicure & Pedicure Treatments

Most people would go with manicure - the care of finger nails. It is very important to take cae of your finger nails - care, design and other artwork.

Pedicures are a beauty remedy of the toes and toenails. It gives a comparable carrier to a manicure. This focuses particularly at the ft with a brief soak, nail shaping and polish, however does now no longer consist of the rub down or sole care. Our Classic Manicure begins with a pre-cleansing soak to soften the cuticles.

Polish with Care

When you polish your nails at home, pick out a brilliant product with out harsh, poisonous chemical compounds like formaldehyde, toluene and dibutyl phthalate. Go smooth on harsh polish removers as well – simplest use removers which can be acetone-free.


Treatment Benefits

A Circulation Boost

Improve Nail Health

Prevents Infections

Improve the appearance


Mira's Nail Salon has been providing services since 2013. It is the store you cannot miss on Bloor at Church Street in Toronto. The store is staffed with experienced nail technicians seven days a week.

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Choose a service to book. For must have now appointments call 647-348-5668